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GeezerGaming is an active,(semi) mature gaming community. Check out the TeamSpeak monitor on the left and Discord server below and you'll see all the other games Geezers play together (pubbing on other servers).

Consider helping keep our TeamSpeak server up and active by using the donate button below on the left.

Only have two real rules: Get on Discord or TeamSpeak (see the monitors below) when gaming, and don't be an asshat. The only reason we even exist is because we enjoy one another's company while (virtually) blowing stuff up. We've existed for more than a decade now, and have progressed from Battlefield 2 and Call of Duty 4 up through BF4 and the latest CoD – with hundreds of hours spent along the way in BF: Bad Company 2, BF3, CoD Black Ops, Killing Floor, Left for Dead and L4D2, Far Cry, Eve, and even HomeFront and Crysis.

You can visit our Forums from the menu bar above – register and take part!

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